Our French Immersion program begins in Grade 1 and continues through Grade 12. Students acquire proficiency in French by studying other subject areas in the French language. In Grades 1-3, 85% of instructional time is spent in French, while in Grades 4-8, instructional time in French is 50%. It is important to note that students in the French Immersion program do not begin formal instruction in English until Grade 4.
Upon completion of the elementary French Immersion program, students are eligible to enroll in the secondary French Immersion program and work towards acquiring 10 French Immersion credits. A certificate of completion is awarded at the end of Secondary school for students who graduate from the program.
The French Immersion program is available for all students and has many cognitive and social benefits. Students become effective communicators and will be able to interact with growing confidence in French, one of Canada’s official languages, while developing the knowledge, skills and perspectives they need to participate fully as Canadian and global citizens.
French Immersion Pathway | Core French Pathway |
To find out more about what students learn in the FI program, refer to the Ontario FSL Curriculum: