Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy


The 麻豆果冻传媒 is committed to the safety and security of the personal information that we have custody and control of. 聽promotes a standard of privacy protection that complies with:

  • The Education Act;
  • The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA);
  • The Personal Health Information Privacy Act (PHIPA)
Notice of Collection

School boards collect, use and disclose personal information of individuals in the course of delivering educational services and to provide programs in accordance with the Education Act and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

The 麻豆果冻传媒 may collect, retain, use and/or disclose the personal information it collects as follows:

  • For the purpose for which it was collected or a consistent purpose;
  • To board employees who need access to the information in the performance of their job duties in accordance with the board鈥檚 authorized function and operations;
  • To comply with legislation, a court order or subpoena or to aid in a law enforcement investigation conducted by a law enforcement agency; and
  • In compelling circumstances affecting health, safety or discipline,聽providing notice of disclosure to the individual
  • Under the authority of the Education Act and Regulations (R.S.O. 1990 c.E.2) as amended.
The use and/or disclosure of Student Personal Information at 麻豆果冻传媒
Instructional Uses
  • to assess and evaluate 鈥榮tudent achievement and well-being鈥;
  • to create and maintain OSRs, transcripts and progress reports for each student;
  • to promote student health, well-being and safety;
  • to facilitate education activities with third-party partnerships and contracts such as Google, and other classroom resources;
  • to support research to evaluate the effectiveness of strategies and programs in an effort to continuously improve education outcomes for all learners;
  • to support special education programs and services; and
  • to participate in field trips, extracurricular activities, community/school and local Parish events
Administrative Uses
  • to register students in the Student Information System, manage attendance, develop timetables and to support safe arrival practices;
  • student medical health information provided by parents/guardians may be used by school staff to address student medical needs, plan for medical emergencies and may be shared with transportation providers for the safety of students; and
  • medical emergency plans for students with life-threatening medical conditions may be posted in identified areas of the school for emergency response purposes;
Celebrating Student Achievement
  • student work may be displayed in the classroom, school hallways or the Catholic Education Centre (CEC);
  • school events and activities may be reported in school newsletters and on school and board websites, Twitter and Instagram;
  • student names and/or photographs will be included in school yearbooks, school programs (e.g., commencement or graduation programs, school plays and musical productions) or on student awards lists and honour rolls.

Questions or concerns regarding the collection, use or sharing of student personal information should be directed to the Privacy Officer at 905-713-1211 x13030.

Personal Health Information

Further to personal information, the Board has Health Information Custodians, which include Psychologists, Speech-Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists and Physical Therapists that are further governed by the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA).

As such, all information collected by professional staff about an individual in the course of practicing psychology or speech-language pathology or social work, is considered personal health information under the Personal Health Information Protection Act, (PHIPA). This includes your name and contact information and any information collected / recorded in the course of providing services to you.

Questions or concerns regarding the collection, use or sharing of student personal health information should be directed to the Privacy Officer at 905-713-1211 x13030.

Freedom of Information
Before making a formal request for information

Many records are available without making a formal FOI request under MFIPPA. Our website has links to many key documents including; Board Meeting agendas and minutes, School Board policies, procedures, and finances.

If you聽are 聽looking聽for specific information or to access records, you may contact the 麻豆果冻传媒 Privacy Officer to determine if a formal request for information should be submitted.

罢丑别听聽 provides a process for the public to access specific information from the 麻豆果冻传媒. You can follow this simple two-step process:

How to make an freedom of information (FOI) request
  1. Step 1:听颁辞尘辫濒别迟别听补听MFIPPA聽Request Form聽stating that you are requesting information or asking for your personal information under MFIPPA. Please provide the type of records that are being requested, and the specific time frame for the documents being requested. Provide as much detail as possible, to ensure a timely response.
  2. Step 2:聽Forward the completed request form to the 麻豆果冻传媒 Privacy Officer, along with a $5.00 application fee. Cheque made payable to: 麻豆果冻传媒.


The mandatory $5.00 application fee must be paid when submitting a Freedom of Information request. Please be advised the $5.00 application fee cannot be waived and is non-refundable.

Submit your FOI request to:

Freedom of Information Question
Attn: Privacy Officer
320 Bloomington Road West Aurora, ON L4G 0M1

Timeline for receiving the requested information

Under the Act, the 麻豆果冻传媒 has 30 days to respond to information requests. On occasion, the Privacy Officer may ask for an extension, and it will be provided in writing to the requestor.

Associated fees for requested documents

Under the Act, the 麻豆果冻传媒 may charge additional costs, depending on the type of records requested. However, a cost estimate will be provided prior to the completion of the request.

MFIPPA – Regulation 823 – Fee section that will be applied:

The鈥俧ollowing are the fees that shall be charged for the purposes of subsection 45 (1) of the Act for access to a record:

  1. For photocopies and computer printouts, 20 cents per page.
  2. For records provided on CD-ROMs, $10 for each CD-ROM.
  3. For manually searching a record, $7.50 for each 15 minutes spent by any person.
  4. For preparing a record for disclosure, including severing a part of the record, $7.50 for each 15 minutes spent by any person.
  5. For developing a computer program or other method of producing a record from a machine-readable record, $15 for each 15 minutes spent by any person.
  6. The costs, including computer costs, that the institution incurs in locating, retrieving, processing and copying the record if those costs are specified in an invoice that the institution has received. O. Reg. 22/96, s. 2; O. Reg.93/07, s. 1.
How to file an appeal relating to the access of information

聽are filed with the Information and Privacy Commissioner (IPC) of Ontario, 聽who is independent of the government or any institution.

You may ask for a review of decisions within 30 days of receiving a decision by writing to: The Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario, 2 Bloor Street East, Suite 1400, Toronto, Ontario M4W 1A8, Tel.:1-800-387-0073.

If you decide to request a review of this decision, please provide the Commissioner鈥檚 office with the following:

  • the file number listed at the beginning of this letter;
  • a copy of this decision letter; and
  • a copy of the original request for information you sent to our institution.

In addition, you must send an appeal fee to the Commissioner鈥檚 office. If your request was for your personal information, the appeal fee is $10.00. The appeal fee for all other requests for information is $25.00. Please include the fee with your letter of appeal 鈥 appeal fees should be in the form of either a cheque or money order payable to 鈥淢inister of Finance鈥


Questions regarding access to information or the correction of personal information should be directed to the Privacy Officer at 905-713-1211 x13030 or via mail:

Freedom of Information Question
Privacy Officer
320 Bloomington Road West Aurora, ON L4G 0M1